Recorded Webinar: Solution Building and Promoting Best Hopes.
(2 CPD Points)
Date: 29 April 2020
Late Registration: You can still register, we will send you a link for the webinar video and the short multiple choice form for your CPD points.
Price: R300-00
Presenters: Dr Jacqui von Cziffra-Bergs, Professor Adam Froerer and Elliott Connie
Webinar Outline:
Solution Focused Therapy is hope catching and during these trying and difficult times we all need to hold on to some HOPE. Come and join me and my 3 esteemed and dear friends for a discussion on how to keep hope alive and make hope grow.
Adam Froerer will be discussing new research on HOPE and how we can make hope part of our sessions. Elliott Connie will talk to us about HOPE as an important part of Solution Focused thinking, and also share his valuable experience of traveling and working on the train of HOPE here in South Africa. And lastly I will share a HOPE checklist with you to help orientate yourself toward a HOPEFUL stance in life.