Solution Focused Teaching Strategies


Managing and guiding a classroom full of learners to reach a specific teaching outcome is not easy. Teachers often take full responsibility for the learners’ results and often burn out in the process. Solution Focused thinking is a collaborative endeavour and this workshop will focus on how to start working collaboratively with the child o that learning becomes a shared activity. Helping the child set their own learning goals and work towards their own best hopes gives the child the ownership and responsibility. Building on the child’s strengths to help the child get to their goal is empowering and uplifting. This workshop will stress the Solution Focused principles of collaboration, goal setting and working with children’s strengths as part of a teacher’s language and lesson structure. Constantly asking a child a scaling question to ascertain movement, growth and learning keeps the teacher and the child on track and enables both to evaluate how things are going. This workshop is full of video case examples of teachers using Solution Focused principles in their classroom.

Aims of the Workshop:

  • Discuss Solution Focused principles
  • Help the teacher set individual and class goals with the children
  • Guide the teacher to look for strengths within children and their classroom
  • Work collaboratively
  • Utilize scaling as a teaching tool to ascertain growth and learning

Outcomes of the Workshop:

  • Work collaboratively with a child
  • Guide children to set goals and take responsibility for learning
  • Teach in a strength based way
  • Scale how the child is doing, what the child needs to do more of or what the child needs to do differently