Basic Solution Focused Counselling Skills for Teachers
Solution Focused Basic Counselling is a well researched psychotherapy approached used in schools developed by Insoo Kim Berg and Linda Metcalf. In this workshop, the teachers will learn the basics of counselling, the solution focused approach, and crisis intervention. Teachers are often placed in positions where they have to help children cope with difficult emotional situations. This workshop will empower teachers and lay counsellors to approach children differently, to listen attentively and help children find healthy ways to deal with difficult situations. Solution Focused Basic Counselling skills will enable the teacher to provide frontline support and basic intervention for learners with psycho-social difficulties. Teachers are at the fore-front of children in need and are often the first person to help and support the learner. Solution Focused Basic Counselling Skills will enable the teacher to take control of any emotional or social situation and support and empower the learner. The workshop will discuss what counselling is, how to use counselling skills and how to help children find their own solutions by setting goals. Basic Solution Focused Interviewing Skills is a strength based – goal orientated way to help children use their resources to find new and positive ways of coping and handling their lives. This workshop is accompanied by a case study example with video footage showing teachers how to implement Solution Focused Basic Counselling skills. It is an interactive workshop and role play activities are encouraged. Ethical considerations such as, confidentiality and referring high risk learners will also be discussed during the workshop. This workshop is normally presented over 3 days but can be tailor made to suit the schools needs and time constraints.
Aims of the Workshop:
- To teach basic counselling skills of paraphrasing, empathy, strength spotting, scaling, goaling and collaboration
- To move away from problems towards solutions
- To connect with the child and not the problem
- To find and build on a child’s strengths
- To build a relationship of collaboration
- To intervene in a crisis
- To work ethically with children in need
- To identify and refer high risk cases
Outcomes of the Workshop:
The teachers will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles and assumptions of Basic Solution Focused Counselling
- Be able to intervene immediately before waiting for the support team to arrive
- Implement Solution Focused interviewing skills such as paraphrasing, empathy, strength spotting, scaling, goaling and collaboration
- Use the learners strengths and resources to build a solution
- Intervene in a crisis
- Be able to understand high risk cases
- Be able to work ethically and considerately with children in need